Wednesday, June 8, 2011

HJ My faith is growing

Questions for Ch 1

Out of all the questions question three was the one that really stood out to me. It asked If you chose C or D has the hurt or pain that I suffered affected my faith? Has it made me question Gods love, His goodness, or the truth of the bible? Then it asks you to explain.
I chose C from question 2 - which says “I have some faith and it is growing” Based on that Here is my answer-

“When the abuse first started I didn't know God or Jesus so at first I felt alone, lost, and very hopeless. But in 3rd grade I was introduced to Jesus and began learning I was loved and truly wasn't alone. John 3:16 said so “For God so loved the world- and that included me- He gave up his only begotten Son that I would not parish but have eternal life”. I also began learning the 10 commandments and before long they would come into play when I was sexually abused for the second time in my young life. I knew enough to know lying to God was wrong but also knew I had to obey my parents. I just hoped God would forgive me not for “enticing a 65 yr old man at 7 “ but because I was lying to Him about it


  1. Ok, I think I have finally prevailed against the technological demons!! (I've tried commenting 3 different failed times before this)

    I hope my interpretation is correct in that you asked God to forgive your "lying" about what the abuse actually was - abuse, and that you are finally seeing that it was not your fault.

    I am continually praying for you and celebrate your growing faith! I'm so proud of you, and although satan didn't want me to tell you that, God lead me to persevere and share this message with you.


  2. I was asking God to forgive me for lying that the abuse was my fault, I was only saying it was my fault because I was obeying my mother who I was afraid of. I knew that he knew the truth and would not hold the fact that I asked for forgiveness for something that was not my fault. ( Does that make since)
